There is one disease that comes from the mind and the cure for it also exists in the mind. Till now the science has been unable to find that why some people are pessimistic and some optimistic. The human mind is the most complex part of our body and we never cared to study it. Why do we get thoughts? Some people get -ve thoughts whereas some get +ve thoughts? Are thoughts random or they can be controlled? Some people get angry very soon and some are so patient? Can we change our thoughts so that we grow up to become a better person? There are some questions that not even the science can provide evidence for; because the evidence exists in our own mind.
The disease is pessimism and the cure is optimism. Both of them exists in the mind and it is our choice which one to select. As I always say "Success is by choice and not by chance". If today someone is optimistic, it is not by chance but it is his choice to be optimistic and the same is true for pessimistic also.
De-motivation and pessimism, is a disease and it spreads like a virus as we grow up. It spreads from one person to the whole society. The sooner we kill it the better.
20 minutes of positive thinking daily is sufficient enough to live a beautiful life and make all our dreams come true.
The evidence that positive thinking does brings a change around us and makes our life beautiful; lies in our own mind; hence it becomes important that we start controlling our thinking and for 20 minutes daily think positive; by doing this we will prove to ourselves that "Yes! There is a MAGIC in thinking positive".
The more positive we think the more closer we shall come towards our success.
If you say a thousand times to yourself "I have a headache, I have a headache.."; you will end up having a headache. We become what we think, as simple as that.