Sunday, 1 May 2011

Lifeline for Our Dreams

When was the last time we talked about our dreams? I guess way back in school! What happened now? Why is there so silence? Where has that energy gone, those dream talks in school? You know what, People don't give up their dreams because they want to. Who wants to give up their dreams? Anybody? The answer is NO! But as people grow up they get a lot of non +ve energy and soon they forget that when they were kids they ever dreamed. Positive energy is going to act like a lifeline for our dreams. Everybody knows about this lifeline, but dreamers actually implement it.

Example: Steve Jobs always think that I want Apple to make the best phone in the world, and it will keep getting better and better year after year. He thinks positive and he does it year after year,  and there are many such examples of people like Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs gets a feeling "I want it and I will have it!" and we all know he has done it and given the world iphone4. There are many people who make phones, but it is only Apple that says "We want to create the best of the best" and that positive thinking is reflected in their products as well.

An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory. Take +ve energy daily and on a regular basis and keep thinking about your dream. Never stop thinking, not even for a single moment, and one day suddenly you will stand up and say and feel from inside "I want it and I will have it!"

Human being is the best creation of GOD because he has the power to dream and the intelligence to think. The world that we see around ourselves, it all came from the mind.

The planes, the space shuttles, F1 cars, the electric bulb, the Internet, 3g video calling, electricity, everything we see around ourselves it came from the mind and from the mind alone. We never created principles, we only discovered and we are still discovering those principles. Once the principle has been discovered we take action and create new things.

The success principles are also the same, they are timeless and they were same in the past, in the present and will be same in the future.

Positive energy is one of the principles for success and no matter what our dream is, if we are not taking action on that principle we will never get it done. We must take action on this principle daily.

I do not know any person who says "I never thought human being will ever goto moon and by chance we did", it was never by chance, "Success is by choice and not by chance", successful people say "I want and I will have it!". If today NASA scientists are working towards landing on mars, it is certain that they will. We just need to discover new principles and create something new. Technology does not exists today but that does not mean it will never exist in future. Where was the world thousands of years ago? No computers, no planes, no iphone4 etc....

The technology and the principles exists not only for Steve Jobs but for everybody; but some people take action and do it whereas some don't.

When TV show host Larry King asked Microsoft's Bill Gates about his incredible wealth and success, Gates said, “Larry, I was at the right place at the right time, and luck had a lot to do with that.” Then he said, “But, Larry, there were a lot of people at the same place I was. One difference was I had vision, I saw the potential that was there … The big difference was I took massive action and immediate action.”

People who take action on +ve principle and chase their dreams, they give a meaning to their life. Their life is well lived and happily lived.

Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached!